Management policies, etc.

Management policies

Under our slogan of "an environment-creating company," our Group seeks to expand the breadth of our business with a focus on the intermediate treatment of industrial wastes and on recycling in particular. Through this, we have contributed to society in various aspects related to the environment. ESG ("Environment, Social and Governance") has recently been introduced as a new criterion for investment decisions in the "Principles for Responsible Investment" advocated by then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2006. Upon the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Summit in September 2015, many companies in Japan, too, began to actively address ESG in their management.
In 1995, Daiseki became the first company in our industry to be publicly listed. Playing a leadership role in the industrial waste treatment industry, we have worked to raise the social credibility of not only our company but also our industry overall. By continuing to view ESG as a key management issue and addressing it with integrity, as a corporate group that contributes to the environment we aim to achieve management that meets the trust and expectations of our shareholders, business partners, and all of society, never betraying the trust that we enjoy from all directions.

Management strategy, etc.

Our Group primarily engages in the industrial waste intermediate treatment business, with a focus on the recycling of industrial waste. Amid the strengthening of environmental regulations and growing social concern over the environment, Japan's industrial waste treatment market is undergoing a transition from an industry crowded with medium-to- small and minute companies to one with a smaller number of more apt, recycle-oriented treatment service contractors.
To meet the need for a shift to proper treatment and recycling of ever more diverse and complex industrial wastes, we aim to grow our market share and broaden our business, particularly in the large Kanto region and Kansai region markets, through enhancement of our technical capabilities, expansion of the range of items that we can treat and recycle using new equipment, and aggressive capital investment and sales expansion. To go beyond the intermediate treatment of industrial waste and meet our customers' needs concerning environmental risks, we are working particularly closely with our subsidiary Daiseki Eco. Solution Co., Ltd. to enhance our capabilities as an environmental total planner offering soil contamination surveying and treatment, environmental analysis, zero emissions support, and other services on behalf of companies, thereby expanding the business fields of our Group.
Daiseki MCR Co., Ltd. engages in the lead recycling business, a form of metal recycling new to our Group. System Kikou Co., Ltd., a major player in the large-scale tank cleaning business, is making efforts in other areas of cleaning. We will continue to actively advance M&A strategies and alliance strategies with "environment" and "recycling" as our keywords. Through such measures, our Group aims to make further progress as an “environment-creating corporate Group.”