Initiatives for the environment

Key environmental achievements in FY2023
(Daiseki Group)

Amount of materials received for recycling
(1,070,000 tons)
Recycling rate

CO2total emissions

(Scope 1, 2 only)

38,000tons of CO2
(27,000 tons of CO2

Note: Numbers in ( ) shows for Daiseki non-consolidated

Targets (FY2028)

1.Scope 1*1 + Scope 2*2: 34% reduction by FY2028 (compared to FY2022)

Scope 3*3: 20% reduction by FY2028 (compared to FY2022)

3. Switch to renewable power: 100% switch to electrical power derived from renewable energy sources by FY2031

*1: Scope 1: Direct emissions associated with the use of fuels

*2: Scope 2: Indirect emissions associated with the use of electrical power and heat purchased from outside sources

*3: Scope 3: Indirect emissions not covered by Scope1 and 2

Performance (FY2023)

1. Scope 1: 27,951t-CO2; Scope 2: 9,990t-CO2
2. Scope 3: 156,809t-CO2
3. Renewable energy adoption ratio: 5.7%*4
4. Renewable energy-derived electrical power ratio: 25.3%*5

*4: Renewable energy adoption ratio: Ratio of renewable energy to all energy used in business activities (non-renewable energy + renewable energy)

*5: Renewable energy-derived electrical power ratio: The ratio of renewable energy to all electrical energy used in business activities

Measures (through FY2028)
  • Reduction of Scope 2 emissions through the adoption of renewable energy
  • Switch of sales-use corporate vehicles to hybrid ones
  • Considering the switch of operation-use corporate vehicles to EVs
  • Adoption of energy-saving-type treatment equipment

Basic approach to environmental management

The main business objective of the Daiseki Group is the creation of value for environmental conservation and resource recycling through intermediate treatment and recycling of industrial wastes generated by customers in the manufacturing industry. We have been engaged in environmental conservation as a business even before the importance of carbon neutrality and the circular economy have drawn public attention.
The Daiseki Group conducts activities that contribute to society in environmental aspects, based on our corporate purpose of "being an environment-creating company contributing to society through the environment by making the best use of limited resources." Through business activities centering on intermediate treatment and recycling of industrial wastes, we contribute to the detoxification of hazardous waste, circulation of useful resources, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By carrying out these activities, we play a role in supporting manufacturing and many other industries in Japan.

Detoxification of hazardous waste

The Daiseki Group accepts specially controlled industrial waste which includes toxic substances such as strong acids, strong alkalies, and heavy metals, and renders the substances harmless through appropriate treatment agents. In FY2023, we detoxified and treated 216,000 tons of specially controlled industrial waste. Even trace amounts of these harmful substances have negative impacts on the natural environment. We contribute to conservation of the natural environment by properly treating these substances.

Initiatives for environmental conservation

Circulation of useful resources

Viewing industrial waste as a useful resource rather than something useless, Daiseki works to achieve a circular economy in which we recycle industrial waste into varied resources through our proprietary environmental technologies and circulate them back into society. Converting industrial wastes to resources is essential for the development of a sustainable society in Japan, which is relatively poor in natural resources.

Circular economy

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, Daiseki is undertaking the adoption of energy-saving equipment and the adoption of electrical power derived from renewable energy sources. By carrying out industrial waste treatment accompanied by low greenhouse gas emissions, we also contribute to the reduction of our customers' greenhouse gas emissions. As an example, Daiseki's treatment is able to reduce greenhouse gases by over 98% compared to simple incineration of waste oil, which generates large amounts of greenhouse gases.

Carbon neutrality