
Sustainability Towards a future in which kindness circulates.

We want to be kind to people and to the environment.
Looking ahead toward a future where all things circulate, we will contribute to the development of a sustainable society.


  • 環境への取り組み
    Initiatives for the environment
  • Key environmental achievements in FY2023 (Daiseki Group)

    Amount of materials received for recycling 2,061,000tons
    (1,070,000 tons)
    Recycling rate 87.7%(87.1%)
    CO2Total emissions
    (Scope 1, 2 only)
    38,000tons of CO2
    (27,000 tons of CO2

    Note: Numbers in ( ) shows for Daiseki non-consolidated


  • 社会への取り組み
    Initiatives for society
  • Main accomplishments related to society in FY2023 (the Daiseki Group)

    Training hours per person 7.3hours / person
    (7.0 hours / person)
    Turnover rate 3.2%(1.9%)
    Paid leave acquisition rate 67.3%(70.2%)

    Note: Numbers in ( ) shows for Daiseki non-consolidated


  • Initiatives for governance
    Initiatives for governance
  • Main accomplishments related to governance in FY2023 (the Daiseki Group)

    Number of Board of Directors meetings held Held 21 times
    Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings held Held 14 times
    Ratio of external directors to all directors (as of May 25, 2023) 57.1%